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Thank you for using Zoho services. Below we have listed some of the common payment-related questions asked by users across all Zoho services. However, if you would like to get more information on the payment details for any particular Zoho service, please click on the service from the table provided at the bottom of the page.
Do you accept AMEX card? Ans: Yes, we do accept AMEX card. Select AMEX card and proceed with your AMEX card details. If you have any issues, please email sales@zohocorp.com.
Can I make payment through PayPal? Ans: Yes, you can pay through PayPal. For more information, please email payments@zohocorp.com.
Do I receive an invoice for the paid amount? Ans: Yes, as soon as the payment gets processed, you will receive an automated invoice sent to your e-mail address. If you do not receive one, please email payments@zohocorp.com to request a duplicate copy of the invoice.
Do you notify me on the subscription expiry? Ans: If your credit card is active and has the required amount of money, the system will automatically complete the transaction, based on the subscription period you have selected during the time of purchase. You will be notified (through email) if there are any issues with the credit card transaction.
How do I stop auto payment? Ans: Please check the FAQs for the respective service to know more on stopping auto payment.
How do I downgrade my account? Ans: Please check the FAQs of the respective service to know the steps for downgrading your account.
What is your refund policy? Ans: The refund policy is applicable only for Annual Payments. We will refund the full amount only if you cancel the service within 30 days from the date of purchase.
I have paid twice wrongly. How do I get the refund? Ans: Please email your transaction details to payments@zohocorp.com and we will refund the extra amount back to your credit card.
Can I pay by company check or wire transfer? Ans: Yes, we do accept payment via company check or wire transfer. However, such payments are accepted only for annual subscription. For further assistance, please email sales@zohocorp.com.
Can I change my credit card details? Ans: Yes, you can change your credit card details. Please check the FAQs of the particular service to know the steps for updating credit card details.
Do you store my credit card details? Ans: No, we do not store your credit card details in our system. However, for the automated periodical transactions (subscriptions) these details are stored in our secure Paypal merchant account.
Is my purchase transaction secure? Ans: Yes, we use SSL connection to secure all your transactions.
Why did my transaction fail though my credit card is still valid? Ans: This might happen because your credit card expiry date has been renewed but this was not updated in the Zoho service. To update credit card details, please follow this link.
If you still have some queries, please email sales@zohocorp.com.
To learn more on service-specific payment FAQs, click on any of the Zoho services in the below table:
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